Why Partner?

Position Yourself as the Go-To Solution Provider to Enhance Electrical Prefabrication

 Establish and Strengthen Relationships with Industry-Leading Electrical Prefabrication Innovators 

Partnership Opportunities 

Electrical prefabrication leaders nationwide will gather at Advancing Electrical Prefabrication this fall to delve into cutting-edge tools, technologies, and services for streamlining prefabrication workflows and BIM processes, organizing and shipping specialized assemblies, optimizing resource utilization, and revolutionizing business models to fully integrate and embrace prefabrication as a core aspect of their operations. 

As those firms seek to benchmark top electrical tools & machinery, along with electrical products, production tracking and modeling software, we'll exclusively showcase the highest quality products and services in 2024. 

Are you one of them?

Opportunities We Offer to Meet Your Commercial Objectives
and Generate High-Quality Leads Include:

Opportunities We Offer to Meet Your Commercial Objectives and Generate High-Quality Leads Include:

Panel Participation
Presenting a case study to a dedicated track audience 
Performing a short demo of your tool on stage 
Exhibiting with a dedicated audience of estimation professionals 
Branding across event materials and on-site 

Who Could You Meet?

Advancing Construction Safety Leadership 2024 - Companies Attending

However, sponsorship opportunities are limited and so if you believe your solution aligns with the construction industry shifting to build greener, more sustainable future, we are happy to discuss exhibition and sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 event – just get in touch below!