7:00 am Registration & Networking

7:30 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Data-Driven Continuous Improvement

7:40 am Tracking the Efficiency of Your Prefab Operations to Make Informed Decisions About Process Improvement


• Developing actionable strategies for gathering and analyzing production metrics, such as conducting time studies and productivity assessments, to enhance leaner, manufacturing-inspired processes

• Implementing seamless data collection processes within daily workflows to improve the consistency and accuracy of data entry

• Utilizing historical data on installation times to assess potential design improvements

8:20 am Harnessing Historical Data to Improve Accuracy of Estimates for Prefab Assemblies


• Evaluating how your approach needs to change to estimate prefab assemblies, and the average costings of common assemblies to help teams just starting out

• Developing a system to more accurately record labor hours for each assembly type and support the development of soft costs

• Leveraging historical data to anticipate potential challenges and mitigate risks in prefab assembly estimation

• Continuously normalizing real-time project data to optimize estimates over time

9:30 am Morning Refreshments

Maximizing Shop Shape & Resource

10:10 am Working with Vendors to Streamline Material Management & Ensure Maximum Efficiency of Space in Your Shop

  • David Aguirre Director of Construction Services, Tri-City Electric


• Evaluating the cost effectiveness of stocked inventory versus just-in-time procurementstrategies

• Working with project teams to understand requests for specialist equipment as early as possible to ensure timely and efficient delivery to the shop

• Partnering with suppliers to ensure timely delivery of materials and equipment for production need

• Considering digital inventory systems for improved material visibility and control

10:50 am Setting Up & Continuously Improving Agile Shop Workflows to Optimize Space Utilization & Produce Product at Scale


• Exploring how manufacturing approaches such as one-piece flow can be further utilised to streamline production lines through your facility

• Establishing a processes for continuous improvement to refine shop floor workflows and adapt to evolving project requirements and production demands

• Developing a stockpile of typical assemblies for future projects: How can you make this work from a logistical and cost allocation perspective?

12:00 pm Audience Discussion: Building the Workforce of the Future: How are Union & Non-Union Shops Tackling Lack of Skilled Staff?


Union Contractors Discussion

  • Overcoming the pushback of union tradesmen that prefab takes away from them and their teams
  • Advocating for flexibility in apprentice ratios to more effectively negotiate composite labor rates
  • Tackling apprentice shortages by promoting more apprenticeship openings and flexible hiring practices within union guidelines to reduce dependence on higher-cost personnel
  • Sharing successful approaches to rewarding employees for meeting attendance and productivity goals

Non-Union Contractors Discussion

  • Discussing how prefabrication can support future workforce diversity and some of the more creative pools non-union contractors are tapping into to boost available talent
  • Evaluating the pros and cons of recruiting for general manufacturing positions vs skilled electricians
  • Investing in training and development initiatives for both new and existing employees to continue to grow and scale your workforce

12:30 pm Networking Lunch

1:30 pm Optimizing Packaging, Shipping & Transportation for Enhanced Project Performance & Cost Savings


• Exploring innovative methods for shipping and protecting everything from small widgets to complex conduit configurations and entire floor assemblies

• Packaging your assemblies in a logical order to help ease field logistics yet maximize space utilization on the truck

• Exploring reusable packaging solutions such as collapsible bins or plastic pallets to enhance efficiency without excessive expense

2:40 pm Supporting & Upskilling Field Teams to Quickly & Efficiently Install Prefab Assemblies


• Getting the model in the hands of the field worker to inform and guide installation accuracy

• Using the onsite presence of prefab foremen to demonstrate installation best practice and answer questions real time

• Implementing hands-on training sessions for field teams to familiarize them with prefab assemblies and installation techniques

• Utilizing digital tools and mobile applications to streamline communication and access to installation instructions remotely

3:20 pm Panel Exploring the Potential for Greater Product & Workflow Standardization to Maximize Speed & Cost Savings Across the Electrical Prefabrication Industry


• Maintaining a balance between standardized processes and the need for flexibility due to turnover of facility or project requirements

• Implementing quality control measures to ensure consistency and reliability in standardized processes

• How far will productization be possible and even the norm for electrical contractors of the future?

4:00 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:05 pm End of Conference